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Breathe Again

Life is hard. All you need to do is live a week and one is bound to experience difficulty of one sort or another. In her book, Breathe Again, author Niki Hardy offers hope and encouragement as she explains how we are able to live well, yes, even when life falls apart....

Made For The Journey

Made For The Journey is the inspirational story of Elisabeth Elliot’s first year in the jungles of Ecuador. Before marrying her husband Jim, Elisabeth served with three other single women among the Colorado Indians. Their goal was to learn the language and and...

Hope Your Heart Needs

Hope. It’s been defined as “the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best” (according to As I continue to scroll down through the definitions, I also discover this definition, “a person or...

Praying God’s Promises

“Prayer changes things. Praying God’s promises changes everything.” (Linda Evans Shepherd) Praying God’s Promises by Linda Evans Shepherd is a wonderful book to keep handy as a reference. Prayer can at times be a challenge – knowing what...

Begin Again

It continually amazes me how a book can so align with the current circumstances in my life. God knows exactly what we need to read so that we stop, we grow, and take in His Word for change to occur. And so it was when I opened the pages of Begin Again: The Brave...