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Talent: The Gift We Give Back to God

Talent: The Gift We Give Back to God

“Talent” has been defined as “a special natural ability or aptitude” ( We have each been entrusted with a talent, or two. Some have several talents, some have one. Some talents are visible to many, and some are hidden only to be seen by God. “For it is...

Different Gifts

Part of the joy in having children is watching them grow into “people” as they learn and experience different aspects of life. With each new venture, life springs up in them, excitement infuses their little bodies. The seasons bring opportunities to try...
The Treasure Within

The Treasure Within

We meet for Bible Study on Wednesday mornings. Yesterday we were six women, interestingly all moms. Discussion turns to the fact that God has deposited gifts and talents into each of our lives. He has purpose for each of us and our gifts will be used within the...

Our Lives Hold Gifts

It has been said, “Life is a gift.”  We could even say, “Each day is a gift.” I don’t think any of us would disagree. Life is precious. Each day holds something new to be explored, experienced and enjoyed. But here is where some may have...