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Can You Hear It? {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

My love of early mornings and watching the sun rise never grows old. Having lived in our home for over thirty years now, there is still an awe which fills my soul as I look out at the woods down back and wait. The other morning I woke early, or should I say earlier....

Time, Actions & Prayer

The week of reading began with Luke 2:1-7. This passage brings  hope and comfort about “time”. This year I am noticing the “darkness” more than other years. So many people are facing illness, financial difficulties, depression, loss of loved...

Keep Waiting

“How blessed is he who keeps waiting …” (Daniel 12:12, NASB) “Waiting may seem like an easy thing to do, but it is a discipline … Wait in prayer … Wait in faith … I will wait even if You keep me here many days, for my heart is...

In the Wait {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Waiting can be hard. Not a news flash as we all know this to be true, and have all waited at one time or another. Yet even in knowing this, it doesn’t get easier. Last week I watched two of our granddaughters and we went outside to shoot some basketballs in the...