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Mornings In The Word – Part 3

In this third week of “Mornings In The Word”, the author directed our thoughts towards ‘growth’ stating: “Strength is cultivated with knowledge of God.” I am grateful for devotionals which encourage us to do the hard work of soul...

Two Questions For Today

  When I think about Jonah, I flash back to my Sunday School years and the flannel graph board. There would often be two pictures of Jonah – one of him inside the whale and one of him being spewed out onto the shore. In this short, four chapter book of the...
Changed Hearts

Changed Hearts

Week three of the study finds Joseph and his brothers further interacting as the story continues to unfold … May our hearts always remain tender. The famine continues. The brothers come to ask for more grain. Joseph’s heart breaks and he prepares a feast,...
Held And Holding

Held And Holding

If you were to look around my house, you would not find any. No carvings. No gold object. Nothing erected on a pole. But as surely as in biblical days, I have held onto them in my life. And I would think you have as well. Idols. They have been defined as...