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We Need Only To Ask

The topic in the car that day was … “best friends”. For any school aged girl, the idea of having a best friend is of the utmost importance. The problem was beginning to rear its ugly head as it became clear – there was more to this that just...

Friendships Hold Power

“Open not thine heart to every man, but deal with one who is wise and feareth God. Let thy company be the humble and the simple, the devout and the gentle, and let thy discourse be concerning things which edify. We must love all men, but not make close...

Strong As Steel

The emotions had been bottled up for a bit. I should have known better than to think ignoring them would make them disappear. They never do, you know. Time alone would be the only way to sort it all through and maybe, just maybe, even begin to make some sense of it...

Gift of Friendship

The doorbell rang and expecting a package to be delivered, I opened the door. Much to my surprise, it was not my package. There in the door was a sight for sore eyes. My dearest friend stood grinning from ear to ear as she knew she had surprised me once again. We...

A Friend Loves

I have always loved having kids in my car. Put a kid, or a group of kids, in a car and you are sure to have the most meaningful conversation. When my own children were growing up, I would volunteer to carpool, drive for field trips or sports games. Tiring at times?...