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Our Quest for Knowledge

Our Quest for Knowledge

As we continued on in our study on various idols in our lives, we looked at success, achievements, careers, and materialism. The one which spoke most deeply to my own life was knowledge. We begin learning from the moment we are born. More so, from the beginning of...
Lean on the All-Sufficient One

Lean on the All-Sufficient One

We continued to look at idols which can take root in our lives. We can look to appearance, food, body image, and health to name a few. But one stood out from the rest, almost like the leader of the pack – the idol of self-sufficiency. Society feeds us the lie...
Are You Busy?

Are You Busy?

“The devil has made it his business to monopolize on three elements: noise, hurry, crowds. He will not allow quietness.” (Elisabeth Elliot) Those three elements can so easily and quickly become idols in our lives. Idols will have us believe that they can...

Mornings In The Word – Part 3

In this third week of “Mornings In The Word”, the author directed our thoughts towards ‘growth’ stating: “Strength is cultivated with knowledge of God.” I am grateful for devotionals which encourage us to do the hard work of soul...