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Be Still

Our third granddaughter entered the world nine weeks ago and we are just crazy over her. Each one of our granddaughters is unique in her own way, presenting us with experiences vastly different from the other. The wonder of watching a new life grow and develop never...


Friday means looking at the word prompt and joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Many of us writing on that same word. Today’s prompt is … Park. I hesitate to share on this word prompt as I would bet any amount of...

Rest Anyone?

It is amazing how we can look at a family line and see resemblances. Facial features, personalities traits, hobbies, lines of work – all can be passed down from one generation to another. Sometimes it is a positive occurrence, sometimes not. But it is always a...
Lessons From a Pair of Shoes

Lessons From a Pair of Shoes

The mat has always been by the back door. We don’t have a mudroom. We each take off our shoes, leave them on the mat and enter. On any given day, there is at least one pair of shoes there. As I glance over, three pairs currently sit there. But the day had come....